Morialta Uniting Netball Club Improve Their Use of Sustainability With Recycled Plastic Benches

Morialta Uniting Church in Magill, South Australia, have included recycled plastic Kingfisher Benches as seating around their netball courts for their netball club. “[We chose Replas] as they are an Australian made recycled product in a style that suited our purpose, seating and gear storage at the side of our netball courts,” explains Karyn Leicester, a team manager and committee member for the Morialta Uniting Netball Club.
The benefits of using recycled plastic includes not rotting, splitting, or cracking, keeping the players and spectators safe from splinters and damaged material, “they’re durable products that will last our club many years of service, contributing to the recycling of everyday plastics. Also the quantum of bags recycled into our 3 benches, we feel pretty good about that,” Karyn said. Kingfisher Benches from Replas are elegant, designed for maximum comfort and is available in 40 mm squared slats.
“Club officials and players have enjoyed having permanent seating beside our courts, especially scorers and gear bags are able to be kept out of puddles during wet weather matches. The Morialta Uniting Church and Morialta Uniting Netball Club are committed to improving their use of sustainable and recycled (and Australian) products wherever possible,” said Karyn.

Kingfisher Bench