
Round 150 mm Bollards Installed at Wangaratta Magpies Football & Netball Club in Victoria

A new installation of recycled plastic 150 mm round bollards surround Wangaratta Magpies Football & Netball Club in Wangaratta Rural City Council, Victoria. Replas bollards are an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional material bollards. The 150 mm round bollards are clean, smooth and an ideal solution wherever rigid barriers are required, a fit for purpose product at at football and netball club. With no rotting, splitting or cracking, these recycled plastic bollards required little maintenance from Wangaratta Rural City Council. Round bollards are easy to install and can either stand alone or be linked via chain, ripe or other material. A great long lasting and durable solution for the council and sports ground.


150 mm Round Bollard

Classic domed bollards, commonly used to define boundaries.