Replas Products Surround Trangie Central School Courtyard And More

Re-fit exercise equipment, Beachcomber Seats, and Garden Panels – Trangie Central School knows how to Close the Loop using recycled plastic products! "We chose Replas for the seating outside the front of our school for a number of reasons. The position is in a very unprotected spot in the playground and we thought that the material would be durable and withstand the heat in our harsh climate. We chose the sand pit framing and exercise equipment for the same reason. Our school is committed to protecting our environment and the notion of using recycled material fits in with this ethos. The durability of the Replas products fits well and the products are eye-catching whilst serving a purpose,” explains School Administrative Manager Jaye Milgate. “Both products enhanced our playground areas and the colour chosen for the seating ties in well with our overall school aesthetics, which was a prime consideration. The seats that we put below the mural bring out the colours in the mural and the whole effect looks beautiful," continued Jaye. Also installed were recycled plastic Garden Panels to create a more defined sand pit area, which was originally enclosed within a concrete pathway. This lead to sand continuously being spread further and further across the concrete, creating a dangerous slip hazard. Now that the path is safe and sand-free, the primary school students make great use of the sand pit area whenever possible. “Our High School students have given the exercise equipment a workout, and staff are keen to plan PE and Sport sessions using the equipment. Break times find both Primary and High School students vying for time on the equipment, testing their balancing skills and flexing their muscles. We are currently planning to add to the exercise equipment and possibly install more of the Replas seating throughout the whole school," concluded Jaye. An incredible example of how schools can become a part of the circular economy whilst also gaining the benefit of having products that will last for years to come!

Beachcomber Seat
Garden Panel
Kookaburra Setting